Anywhere, Anytime - Accessibility Sets Body Weight Training Apart

A Beautiful January Evening in Lakes Park, Fort Myers. Photo courtesy of Charly Caldwell II.

Calisthenics — better known today as body-weighted exercises - are a form of exercise that utilizes your own body weight for resistance and requires minimal equipment.

Its origins can be traced back to ancient Greece (the word "kallos" means beauty and "sthenos" is strength) where it was an integral part of physical education for warriors and athletes.

The Greeks believed that a harmonious blend of strength and aesthetics was essential for a well-rounded individual, hence the name.

In recent decades, body-weight exercises have experienced a resurgence in popularity, particularly in the fitness industry.

There are several advantages that appeal to modern fitness enthusiasts.

First, it requires minimal equipment, making it accessible and affordable for anyone interested in improving their physical fitness.

Second, it emphasizes functional strength and body control, which translates to...

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The Future of Fitness for Older Adults

Reflection time & sunset on the beach, after a reflective, fruitful and brisk 2 mile beach walk!

Over the years, society has increasingly understood the importance of maintaining physical well-being throughout life, and the fitness industry has responded with tailored programs to meet the unique needs of older adults.

In the mid-20th century, the perception of aging began to shift.

Previously, older age was often associated with frailty and inactivity, but this perspective started to change.

Thanks to pioneers like Jack LaLanne, older adults began to understand they could remain physically active and vibrant well into their senior years.

The 1990s witnessed a boom in fitness programs designed for older adults.

Gyms and community centers started offering specialized classes, such as water aerobics, yoga and Tai Chi, to cater to this demographic.

These programs not only helped seniors stay active but also provided them with social opportunities, combating feelings of isolation...

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Don't Underestimate the Impact of Fitness on Mental Health

Enjoy a run on the beach - Naples Beach, Naples Florida (Nov 2023). Photo Courtesy of Charly Caldwell II

As mental health continues to garner attention, finding effective strategies to improve wellbeing has become a top priority.

While therapy and medication are crucial components of mental health treatment, an often overlooked and powerful tool is exercise. Engaging in regular physical activity not only enhances physical fitness but also has a profound impact on mental well-being.

Cardiovascular exercise, characterized by activities that increase heart rate and breathing, such as running, swimming, and cycling, is widely recognized for its numerous physical health benefits.

However, its impact on mental well-being should not be underestimated.

Mood Enhancement:

Engaging in cardio exercise triggers the release of endorphins, commonly referred to as the feel-good hormones.

These chemicals interact with receptors in the brain, reducing stress, enhancing mood, and promoting an overall...

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How to Make the Most Out of Your Personal Training Sessions

Sunset on Naples Beach - Saturday, Oct 7, 2023 - Many were running on the beach, too! Photo Courtesy of Charly Caldwell II.

When you invest your time and money in personal training sessions, you expect results.

To maximize those results, practice a few good habits and you’re ROI (Return On Investment) will pay huge dividends!

1 - Make no excuses.

Personal trainers work with a variety of clients, from all different backgrounds, and fitness abilities, but one constant that remains the same across all backgrounds is the EXCUSES.

One of the biggest and most over used excuses being,

‘I have no time!’

In today’s fast paced, multitasking world, we are all busy, everyone is crunched and time is a challenge we all face, no matter what we do for a living.

However, if you don’t have time to exercise three times a week, you better make time to be sick, go to the doctor and possibly the hospital.

Instead of making the excuse, change the vocabulary and say ‘I...

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Use Stress to Create Positive Change

A gorgeous afternoon to beach comb - Naples Beach @ 5 Ave S - Friday, Sept 22, 2023. 
Photo Courtesy of Charly Caldwell II.

Coping with stress is a major life challenge.

Without some stress, life would be dull, but you need to make certain your stress is working for you, not against you.

When you begin to feel the walls closing in, it’s time to take a break and get away from it all to maintain a healthy life-fitness balance.

Take these opportunities to practice healthy habits that not only reduce your stress but also leave a positive impact on your general well-being:

Breathe purposefully —

Did you know the average person takes a breath 20,000 times a day?

For such a practiced activity you would think we would have it perfected. But just because we do it all the time doesn’t mean we’re good at it.

Do you breathe well?

If you find your heart rate racing and your breaths become shallow, breathing from your chest, you could benefit from purposeful...

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Safely Exercising After Injury

Enjoying a beautiful Florida summer bike ride - Fort Myers, Florida - August 2023.

If you’ve experienced a bad injury, you know how frustrating it can be to not be able to workout.

This is especially true when training for an event.

There is also a lot of conflicting information about what to do and when.

Let’s clear up the confusion.

In the first few days after an acute injury, the body will go through the first stage of healing, the inflammatory phase.

If you’ve had a sprain or strain in the past, you might remember that the first 3-4 days are usually the worst in terms of pain, stiffness and swelling.

To protect the injured tissue from further damage and avoid any subsequent bleeding, the advice is to avoid ‘HARM’ for 72 hours.

The acronym HARM stands for:

  • Heat - Avoid any heat packs, prolonged hot showers or hot baths.
  • Alcohol - The less the better - that unfortunately includes that post-game beer with your mate.
  • Running - Try to avoid...
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Balancing Intensity and Volume: A Safe Approach to Body Training

A gorgeous summer evening brisk walk on Naples Beach - Aug 4, 2023. Photo Courtesy of Charly Caldwell II.

It is in everyone’s best interests to prevent injuries.

The more we can stay injury free, the greater our opportunity for consistent, uninterrupted training and consistency breeds better results.

Injuries are impossible to predict. It’s also impossible to know when an injury has been prevented (after all, it never happened).

There are many things we can do, however, to significantly reduce our injury risk.

One of the most effective, and arguably simplest, things we can do is to monitor our training volumes and intensities.

There has been a clear trend in recent years towards higher intensities of class-based exercise for everyday exercisers, and that’s not a bad thing.

When people train on their own, research shows they usually select exercise intensities that are too low to elicit the training response they want.

With fitness professionals pushing them safely...

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2 Types of Stretching to Enhance Performance

A beautiful July summer evening for a 2 mile run in Lakes Park. Photo Courtesy of Charly Caldwell II.

Stretching is traditionally tacked on at the end of an exercise session and only if we have spare time...

However, when we consider all of the benefits stretching provides both before and after exercise, we should really give stretching the due diligence and respect it and our bodies deserve.

I'm sure everyone has experienced the same scenario in one way or another:

After a great workout with a hard effort either in the gym, on the track or in the pool, you've got 5 more minutes set aside for training so you immediately start stretching … not!

Sound familiar?

Most days you're running late and stretches get scrapped from the routine.

Sometimes you get away with it, but this habit of ditching the stretches is risky and will catch up with you.

Every type of exercise we do involves repeated muscle contractions.

These contractions could result in a muscle remaining in a state of...

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Transform Your Health with a 5 Minute Stretching Routine

A gorgeous beach day on Naples Beach - June 11, 2023!

Classes such as Yoga and Pilates are fantastic because they incorporate strength and stretching into each pose.

Our lifestyles involve more sitting than ever.

The less we move, the tighter our muscles become, and as a result, many people suffer from pain and dysfunction, commonly associated with office based work and a generally sedentary lifestyle.

Often those in pain turn to physical therapy and massage which offers much needed relief, until old patterns begin to repeat themselves again and the pain or muscle tension inevitably returns.

Enter your daily stretching routine!

Stretching is a cost free, self-empowering, time efficient and simple way to maintain healthy muscles.

A comprehensive five-minute stretching routine could potentially change posture, reduce pain, promote tissue repair, lubricate stiff joints and improve training recovery.

The physical benefits of safe stretching are undeniable and are too often ignored by...

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Go Green With Your Workouts

A beautiful ride along the Caloosahatchee River (W. Riverside Drive, Fort Myers). Photo Courtesy of Charly Caldwell II.

Go green, minimize your carbon imprint, recycle are common words and phrases we often here in relation to the environment.

But have you ever considered going green with your workouts too?

Nature has very powerful well-being benefits.

Whether you’re going for a run, riding your bike, taking a personal training session in the park or doing boot camp on the beach, there are countless opportunities for Floridians to get outside and exercise.

More than just a popular training environment, it turns out that people who exercise outdoors in their natural settings are benefiting from more than just their sweat efforts.

Research has repeatedly shown that time spent in nature has numerous well-being benefits, including everything from reduced blood pressure readings to heightened immunity and improve mood.

Despite our largely indoors, air-conditioned lives, getting...

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